- Slept on cots in our house in Saint John
- Had a sudden hellish stomach flu (me)
- Met up with a handful of friends (Nance only for most of them. See list item b.)
- Watched an important basketball game. Go, Rush!
- Played tipsy ukulele with my brother. Nod to Angela for her fab recorder skills.
- Played Anomia and pictionary competitively...against children. Cutthroat.
- Made our way to the city of pizza corners!
- Embraced the bounty of trails Halifax has to offer. We three miss living near sprawling parks like Point Pleasant or SJ's Rockwood. Just seeing Abbey on a beach for a few minutes made me tear up. I have to admit, though, our snowy potato fields are pretty good playgrounds too, even if you have to keep watch for coyotes.
- Shopped a little, but mostly gawked slackjawed at all the traffic, people, and shiny things
- Pretended we were everything from spaceships to British pigs and tickle monsters
- Visited with family (or tried to steal kittens, depending on your perspective) and watched tenacious adults struggle with 3D character puzzles for hours. I got a text after midnight showing Tinkerbell in all her 3D glory. When did kids' toys get so tricky?
What else? We:
- Learned about the barbarous trading world of Shopkins
- Went to see Tina Fey's Sisters movie. Almost turned around and went back into the same theatre for a second viewing. So funny.
- Got soul refreshment in the piles and heaps of giggles that emanate from three-year olds, especially in the presence of nose thieves and toe snatchers
- Acquired peace of mind by trading in tiny car for transportation with all wheel drive - take that, Klokkedahl Hill.
- Oh, and we have 800 movies to watch thanks to the best brother-in-law ever! Winter just got cozier!
Oh, did I mention we're doing an 80km walking holiday in Ireland in August? Maybe I did. Prepare for lots of whining about walking. Who am I kidding, I don't even update enough for "lots of" anything. ;)